The stupid Windoze gaming sirens had me out of linux for a bit on my desktop. Back with a vengeance, and a huge emerge world. Hours of fun! The nice thing is I’ve gotten into gentoo enough that I no longer feel the need to document every massive emerge. For the most part, just keep using these strategies until it works itself out – while keeping your brain engaged of course:
- emerge -DavuN @world
- emerge -DavuN –with-bdeps=y @world
- emerge -DavuN @world –autounmask-write
- emerge –resume –skipfirst
- emerge –unmerge (i unmerge the SHIT out of all conflicting non-world packages! keep it clean! :O)
- emerge -1v (anything that’s missing!)
- gcc-config (as early as possible)
- eselect (boost|java-vm|php|python|etc….)
- use eix and equery to answer any package questions
- get the latest gentoo-sources and configure that kernel!
- don’t forget to emerge nvidia-drivers or any other kernel-specific package
- google for help – gentoo support information is AMAZING
- dispatch-config
- emerge -av –depclean
- revdep-rebuild
- lafilefixer –justfixit
- python-updater
- perl-cleaner –all
- targeted rebuild, for those nasty upgrades: revdep-rebuild –library
- find broken autotools stuff: find /usr/ -name ‘*.la’ -exec grep png14 -c {} +|grep \:1
- rinse and repeat!
I had a few new wrinkles…
- considered emerging gnome-base/gnome (new) to get GNOME 3 but it is soft-masked and who knows how much trouble would follow
- stupid libpng upgrades always cause everyone all kinds of headaches – see this awesome post
revdep-rebuild --library '/usr/lib64/' -- --keep-going
emerge -1av --keep-going $(find /usr \( -name "*.la" -o -name "*.pc" -o -name "*-config" -o -name "*.pm" \) -exec grep -H png14 {} \; | cut -d : -f 1 | xargs qfile -CSq | sort | uniq)