
  • All of a sudden, git requires that [dev-util/subversion] uses [-dso], whatever.
  • desktop: emerge –unmerge dev-python/gnome-python-desktop
  • python dependecies required –newuse:
    New USE are correctly set, but –newuse wasn’t requested, so an installed package with incorrect USE happened to get pulled into the dependency graph. In order to solve this, either specify the –newuse option or explicitly reinstall ‘dev-lang/python:2.5’.
  • mediacenter: “Could not locate requested eblit” [sys-kernel/mips-sources] during revdep cleanup – ignored…
  • desktop: transcode 1.0.3 was stable but sucked, so I unmasked it a couple months ago to get the newest fixes. transcode 1.0.7 stable is out, clean up all the transcode unmasking now (about 10 packages)…

And we’re off and running again with newly-polished boxxen that sparkle like chrome. It’s awesome that at any point in time, you can unmask as needed to get just the fresh raw updates you need, then come back in a couple months and clean up the masking and get a nice clean refresh of the stable tested new releases. Keep on rockin’, gentoo.

Installed mad fonts on gentoo…

emerge -Davu media-fonts/font-bh-type1 media-fonts/font-bh-ttf media-fonts/terminus-font media-fonts/arkpandora media-fonts/liberation-fonts media-fonts/artwiz-aleczapka-en  media-fonts/dejavu  media-fonts/freefonts ttf-bitstream-vera corefonts

And no need to stop there. I grabbed fonts from Vista…

copy -v /vista/Windows/Fonts/* /usr/share/fonts/mdm_from_vista/

…but I’m not quite sure yet how to get X to know about them… in the meantime, I used [URW Gothic L Semi-Bold] instead of Microsoft’s [Century Gothic Bold], and it’s getting the job done (literally, it’s for my resume).

I was trying to find a better alternative to elogviewer, because it doesn’t come up sorted by reverse date. [kelogviewer] was the candidate, so I unmasked it, but the deps are creeping. Kill it…

Not really keeping this updated well enough… back to try again…

Encountered unrecognized option -a.

revdep-rebuild no longer automatically passes unrecognized options to portage.
Separate emerge-only options from revdep-rebuild options with the — flag.


# MDM “mplayer has better soft-masked versions”?
# MDM And deps…

# This needs to be un-soft-masked to use the newer ffmpeg…

# and this for x264 – oh what a tangled web we weave…

Here’s the path I want to send X packets across:

[nightly] - corporatefirewall - internets - [server] - [desktop]

The server only has what it needs to serve, which means no X server. I assumed that my X packets would just get merrily passed through when using [ssh -Y]. But the server didn’t have the [xauth] package installed – without it, you don’t get X authentication – in fact, all you do get is the extremely unhelpful error message “can’t open display”.

emerge -Davu xauth
(18 package installations, yikes!)

Next I had to make sure that ssh allowed X packets, and allowed them over TCP. Edit [/etc/ssh/sshd_config]:

Match User m
    X11Forwarding yes
    AllowTcpForwarding yes

Of course, I’m a bad person for doing this kind of insecure stuff. Silly me giving up security for usefulness. Oh well.