Bash is the worst pile of anti-patterns and hacked up bullshit, but what would you expect from something that’s been our emergency-room band-aid for as long as we’ve been alive? This is just a reminder, for your career’s sake, to NOT make it one of your “specialty languages”. Learn what you have to. And double down on a modern, sane scripting language. I’ve tooled up node to do all things command-line, I recommend you do the same – but even writing little Java or C++ command-line apps is better than letting bash poison your brain! Just say no. And some day, our great-great-grandchildren will have a replacement. No, not another sh variant. A true sane modern programming language. okbyeeee!

Hate of the day: I love how [rm -f ] “fails” (non-zero error code) but [mkdir -p …] “succeeds”, and there is no [mv -f …]. The Unix philosophy: do one thing, and do it well, but always slightly differently than anyone else would have done it. Sure it’s bizarre bazaar chaos, but it’s “beautiful”. Ummmm…. no, fuck you, I don’t want to memorize your chaos.

UPDATE: Dude. In my defense I was in pain and jacked on meds when I wrote this, haha. Step away from the oxy, take less Adderall… calm ye self down. “Whatever Works”.

UPDATE 2: Yeah, the horror is real. Yet another damning example of why, for your career’s sake, you should focus on a real scripting language and not (ba)sh’s arbitrary stupidity.

It’s just stupid as f*ck…
root@mbehrnsm-silver:~# service systemd-timesyncd stop
root@mbehrnsm-silver:~# service systemd-timesyncd disable
systemd-timesyncd: unrecognized service
root@mbehrnsm-silver:~# service systemd-timesyncd stop
root@mbehrnsm-silver:~# service systemd-timesyncd disable
systemd-timesyncd: unrecognized service
root@mbehrnsm-silver:~# systemctl disable systemd-timesyncd.service
Removed /etc/systemd/system/

Me Why is Wireshark showing all my code getting copied across samba? Every single file!! Shit I’m haxx0rr3d

Dan: do you have something indexig your files? Any system service or anything?

Me: oh. Yeah. (Pkill Albert, Wireshark quiet)

WOW major virtualbox shenanigans
i seem to have broken my good boxes with something from this list:
1) upgraded ubuntu to 18.04
2) kept compton but it is not needed now that we have wayland compositor
3) installed virtualbox* packages to try to fix clock
after I uninstalled virtualbox and compton, ONE of them came back to life (but not the other)
the other is having ssh problems of some kind that cause immediate systemd problems

while investigating, we got LOTS of good progress on KEEP GOING


Read the title.  Believe it.

Cygwin can do the backflips to get sshd running properly and enable you to treat a Windoze shitbox as an actual ssh-able shell.  Just do it and don’t look back.