Sitebar is the greatest bookmark manager, I run my own server and once again control my own destiny! Check it out if you are interested in a great LAMP bookmarking solution. After you set up your own server, make sure you get the Firefox plugin! Or roll your own version, like I did on my portal.

Recently, I kept having to re-login because my session information kept getting lost. My workaround was to add my server domain to Firefox’s Tools->Options->Privacy->Cookies->Exceptions list, to “always allow”. I had to add the “second level domain” (without the “www”) to get it to work.

I’m very happy now with the latest stable version (3.3.9), but I’ll probably jump on 3.4 when it becomes marked as “stable”, soon… then I can have fun with stuff like this!

Sometimes there’s no end to the work when scraping web pages – perfect the scrape, and it’s only a matter of time before the scraped page changes format. But sometimes it’s worth it to keep plugging – I use my Google Framed scrape thousands of times a week, every week. For me, I don’t think I can ever go back to vanilla google.

Two-second text rendering tutorial: (continued…)

I cranked this out in OpenOffice “in like 2 minutes”, to quote Napolean Dynamite…

TDM Home Network

I’m loving using Gallery for serving up my photos, I can keep them on my own machine and avoid feeling like a Flickr whore. Of course that means I have to provide the bandwidth! But these are personal, and I love to own my own data, so it feels right.

For a full install on Gentoo, just emerge:

emerge gallery

Under Fedora, you have to grab each module separately – here are the ones I chose to grab:

yum install gallery2 gallery2-albumselect gallery2-classic gallery2-ffmpeg gallery2-floatrix gallery2-gd gallery2-hybrid gallery2-icons gallery2-imageblock gallery2-imagemagick gallery2-linkitem gallery2-matrix gallery2-newitems gallery2-randomhighlight gallery2-rating gallery2-remote gallery2-reupload gallery2-rewrite gallery2-rss gallery2-search gallery2-siriux gallery2-sitemap gallery2-sizelimit gallery2-slider gallery2-slideshow gallery2-slideshowapplet gallery2-squarethumb gallery2-thumbnail gallery2-thumbpage gallery2-tile gallery2-useralbum

Then you create a database for gallery, set up apache, and browse to the base directory to go through the install. The only strange thing is that under Fedora the default is for the data to go under /srv/gallery2/g2data, since /usr/share is read-only by default. So that’s where I put it. Have fun!