TDM3 keeps overheating bigtime. root is trashed, full of drive errors. Wow, it’s really trashed, emerge is borked, great. #gentoo-users folks say “grab the binaries you need from here“. sweet! Which ones? Tried gcc, portage, python, automake, autoconf, still no luck. Researched error, found the likely binary, copied from another AMD64 machine. Boom, emerge works. Re-emerging all the binaries I dropped in. Then, emerge world – the more the better. Crunching like mad.

To get a working transcode, I had to unmask it. In addition, I had to unmask imagemagick, as transcode wanted the masked version as a dependency.


# MDM transcode "stable" (1.0.3) is NOT.
# It is also forcing me to bring in imagemagick, MOTHER FRACKER.
# If you frack up my system, you little bitch...

Nothing can touch gentoo when it comes to keeping an up-to-date linux system. It has the tools (emerge, dispatch-conf, elogviewer, etc.) to tell you what has changed since yesterday, get the changes, and integrate them into your system. linux is a crazy-assed pile of mismanaged bits that are freshly broken in a dozen ways every single day. Anybody that runs a linux system will…

  1. spend a not-insignificant amount of time keeping their system running; and…
  2. tell you they don’t.

It’s part of the whole cocky “look what I can do” competitiveness built into every geek. Go ahead, now it’s time for you to lie to me and tell me otherwise. 😛

My current strategy for staying on the back of the bucking linux bronco… (continued…)

(Editor’s note: More gentoo MythTV installation notes… don’t expect order here, for that, see my wiki…)

OK, all my gear has arrived, I sent back the bad CPU and motherboard and got replacements, everything is humming (very quietly I might add! what a sweet case…), and I’m ready for the final (ha!) gentoo Media Center install.

I’m using this gear:

AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800+ Manchester 2.0GHz Socket 939
NForce 430
GeForce 6150
8 channel HD audio codec RealTek ALC880 (INTEL)
