Nothing can touch gentoo when it comes to keeping an up-to-date linux system. It has the tools (emerge, dispatch-conf, elogviewer, etc.) to tell you what has changed since yesterday, get the changes, and integrate them into your system. linux is a crazy-assed pile of mismanaged bits that are freshly broken in a dozen ways every single day. Anybody that runs a linux system will…

  1. spend a not-insignificant amount of time keeping their system running; and…
  2. tell you they don’t.

It’s part of the whole cocky “look what I can do” competitiveness built into every geek. Go ahead, now it’s time for you to lie to me and tell me otherwise. 😛

My current strategy for staying on the back of the bucking linux bronco… (continued…)

Sitebar is the greatest bookmark manager, I run my own server and once again control my own destiny! Check it out if you are interested in a great LAMP bookmarking solution. After you set up your own server, make sure you get the Firefox plugin! Or roll your own version, like I did on my portal.

Recently, I kept having to re-login because my session information kept getting lost. My workaround was to add my server domain to Firefox’s Tools->Options->Privacy->Cookies->Exceptions list, to “always allow”. I had to add the “second level domain” (without the “www”) to get it to work.

I’m very happy now with the latest stable version (3.3.9), but I’ll probably jump on 3.4 when it becomes marked as “stable”, soon… then I can have fun with stuff like this!

Seems like I have to follow these little notes to stay out of trouble when adding a new directory to cvs…

  1. make sure you do [cvs add dirname] from the dir just above the new directory – no slashes allowed?!
  2. when doing an update in other locations, you HAVE to do [cvs update -d], wtf!?

Annoying, whatever…

Well, it’s hardly a workaround I guess, if the solution is to not install it! I did feel good contributing a wee little bit to the process though…

And another stupid proxy issue and fix… c’mon, why hide .subversion in /usr/portage/distfiles/svn-src/?

But in the end, life behind a corporate firewall goes on. :>

Cygwin/X can do a lot, including giving you a nice xterm for your Windows-to-linux ssh sessions.

But you’d think it would be easier… (continued…)