DOWNLOAD: sqlite source + vs2005 static library solution + wrapper

sqlite is a sweet little answer to database storage for stand-alone applications. CppSQLite is the best C++ wrapper I found (NOTE: there are many). I didn’t find any quick instructions to get the C code statically linked into a Visual Studio 2005 C++ app, so here they are. At the end, I had all the code wrapped nicely into my application with a size increase of 132kb – and no dependencies! Whoop.

From the “hard drive killer” department…

I was pretty excited to see that VS2005 has an embedded profiler – Micro$oft had to come up with a new name of course – “performance analyzer”. I threw HangTheDJ at it, going with all the defaults, and was served up with this gem before HangTheDJ even finished loading (as I happened to only have 8GB free at the time):

Performance automation returned the following error: : Error VSP1369 : Out of disk space: this scenario requires roughly 63073172 KB of disk space.

Yes, that says 63GB. Oh, to have the box of a Micro$oft developer…

I’m reviewing database storage in my little app after several years of dealing with M$’s calculated disregard for older technology (DAO in this case). (continued…)

I’m updating my boost installations to latest CVS, here are a couple quick notes. In addition, instead of having blog chatter all over the place, I’ll consolidate my boost installation notes onto my wiki, see here. (continued…)

I used to use all the beta Microsoft products, now I find it more efficient to move up when I’m ready – and when things have matured. However, a look at the boost regression tests shows that VC7.1 support is getting a bit lean, at least for the serialization library I use. So… time to move on up. Here is how the upgrade from 7.1 to 8.0 went for my HangTheDJ project… (continued…)