I hate it when I find myself Java bashing. It’s just a language, it has its uses. But I pretty much did a Julia Louis-Dreyfus when I read this reddit post….

Operator overloading? You might abuse it… chop. Multiple inheritance? You might abuse it… chop. Creating a new object? You’d best type the type of the object three or four times before we’ll believe that you got it right. You want access to internals, subclass the compiler objects, closures, iterators, lazy evaluation, the list goes on chop chop chop
It’s often hard to point to a language’s philosophy because it is embodied in a long sequence of little decisions that are easy to dismiss in isolation, but that’s how I see the philosophy of Java.
Of course, that didn’t work, so a large aftermarket in prostheses has sprung up, and lately the language has been sort of growing some of the power features it previously rejected, although they pretty are much bolted on. Many people have even forgotten that there is a whole world full of people who don’t get around in powered wheelchairs and don’t need machines to help them chew, and argue passionately about how much they love their Chewing Completion and Integrated Mobility Environments and how easy it is to sort of slowly shamble up stairs on these prosthetic legs (which sounds impressive after you’ve spent five years in a wheelchair), endlessly haranguing those who choose to run on their own two feet about what they are missing by not getting their legs chopped off.

Of course none of this covers the fact that Java was THE ONLY SANE WAY to write portable code for about 15 minutes during its greatest fame…

Yes I fell prey to gaming in Windows again… and after letting it do its thing I lost control of my refind EFI boot setup. What a drag to fix it…

  • Try to find a working boot disk, realize you gave them all away to your boss at the job where you just got laid off…
  • Download yet another live iso and set up yet another new boot disk
  • Boot with it, dealing with all the UNBELIEVABLE ubuntu issues with nvidia cards, years later and I’m still typing this BULLSHIT: nouveau.noaccel=1
  • Download refind, find the old efi partition by sheer luck poking around /dev/disk/by-label/… even tho all the rest of the partitions lost their labels… WHAEEEVER
  • Watch refind FAIL as you realize you booted the USB in non-EFI mode
  • Go back to work on the Ubuntu boot disk so it contains refind, only to find that it mounts read-only no matter what you do, and gparted just UFKCING WILL NOT WORK WITH IT, telling you it has the wrong size sectors or some such shit… after an hour of that, slink back to manually downloading refind every time you live-boot….
  • Attempt to boot the live USB into UEFI mode…. but STUPIDLY change some fuckign BIOS legacy mode to standard and find that you’ve BRICKED YOUR MACHINE… finally realizing your ownly option is to find a rusty nail (literally) to pop out the CMOs battery and get a reset… lifeyears lost on that one
  • Go through the ubuntu boot voodoo to find that the internet is not reachable any more… because… wait for it… systemd is fucking with you once again.  Turns out the clock reset, so every @*($U@# DNS request was being denied by systemd-resolved due to “certificate expiration” errors or some such horseshit… so fix the clock, MUST BE PRECISE or it will keep failing, and restart systedm-resolved to miraculously find the internet working again FUCK YOU SYSTEMD FOREVER FUCK YOU RED HAT FUCK YOU ALL
  • Download refind… again… mount EFI… again… install refind… again…. reboot and pray.
  • Discover that windows has really… REALLY… trashed your partitions.

Calgone, take me away… time for a run…

Wow you wouldn’t think this would be difficult…

For mailto:
- Make sure you are logged in to Gmail and the active window is your main Gmail page (or nothing will happen).
- Copy/paste this into the address bar:
- Add the javascript: to the front again if needed, because when you pasted it, Chrome probably trimmed everything before and including the colon. Then hit enter.
It also works for webcal:
- Make sure you are on your Google Calendar page (or nothing will happen).
- Copy/paste this into the address bar:
javascript:navigator.registerProtocolHandler("webcal","https://www.google.com/calendar/render?cid=%s","Google Calendar")
- Add the javascript: to the front again if it got automatically trimmed. Then hit enter.

I just stomped way down into a chain of scripts to find out that [ls] stopped working.

The culprit?  A file that started with a dash.  How can this problem exist?  And… without me ever having a clue until JUST NOW?

I shall now live my live by rule of dash dash (until I forget):

ls -la -- *.txt


Out with the old, in with the new comma A1 terabyte Samsung SSD to replace the Corsair it that kept preventing my laptop from restoring from sleep for the last couple years. That was fun! Also pulling out the stupid HDD so I get a little more battery life, with a little luck.