While recently incapacitated, I took some time to get MythWeb set up and running. It was no sweat – just installed apache with PHP support on my Myth box, and installed MythWeb. gentoo makes it all easy as pie.

The icing on the cake is to install VLC on the client. (continued…)

DOWNLOAD: sqlite source + vs2005 static library solution + wrapper

sqlite is a sweet little answer to database storage for stand-alone applications. CppSQLite is the best C++ wrapper I found (NOTE: there are many). I didn’t find any quick instructions to get the C code statically linked into a Visual Studio 2005 C++ app, so here they are. At the end, I had all the code wrapped nicely into my application with a size increase of 132kb – and no dependencies! Whoop.

With very little work I was able to get John’s excellent game to run under linux. He wrote it well using cross-platform libraries (SDL and fmod), so it was only a matter of really minor compatibility tweaks. Check out his Soloforge website for the latest news. Nice job John! Sorry it took me so long to get to this!

This thing is extremely hackable, but since I have a very expensive warranty I will take my time voiding it. I’ve updated the built-in bluetooth headset functionality (the Prius uses the stereo speakers and a mike built in to the roof near your head) with my entire address book from my Treo 700p – just set the Prius to import, select a category to export on the Treo, and it will upload all contacts, ready to be dialed from the dashboard. I’ve added a few commands to the voice-activation system. The remaining wishlist:

  • Add an EV button to force the Pruis into electric-only mode
  • Enable dashboard controls while in motion
  • Gain video access to the dashboard screen

This stuff is all very doable, and demonstrated in many places online. The 2007 Pruis is still a bit “undiscovered” though, so I will bide my time and proceed with caution…

From the “better than banjos” department… (continued…)