Yesterday Wrenny turned five! What a crazy day…

The day before her birthday, we had a party at
Sunday morning, we woke up on Wrenny’s birthday to find that the weatherman was only partially right – we got tons of stuff, but it was all lovely SNOW! Yipee!! I trudged off alone to church for my debut singing in the praise band (I blame NO ONE for skipping THAT…), and when I returned, it was sledding and snowball fighting for all. I played the human toboggan, with me lying on the saucers and the neighborhood kids all piling on top, until I could no longer feel my butt. Afterwards, we warmed up with hot chocolate. Awesome!
Today, in true North Carolina fashion, it has all turned to slush and ice, and more sleet is falling as I type. I have to admit that I love to drive on the ubiquitous sheet of ice it creates – there is nothing more pleasant than my little Honda go cart in a powerslide. The only problem is tolerating all the other North Carolina drivers’ ineptitude. They are all either going 2 mph or deeply embedded in the forests adjoining the highway…. cest la vie…
Here’s some evidence of the road conditions… WHEE!!