It was a birthday too big to not celebrate in person, so we packed up the minivan with the family, dog, snacks, sleeping bags, VCR, pillows, cooler, laptop and kitchen sink and headed out for the 13-hour drive from NC to FL. We didn’t realize until the day before that we would be driving right through the Superbowl in Jacksonville, FL, but the only repercussions were passing an occasional decked-out RV enroute to the 100,000-member party. But we had our own to attend, and the important people were at ours: Donna, Dick, Reiley, Wren, Bailey, Mike, Andrea, Dan, Val and Betty. It was a bummer that Niki, Tom and Corey weren’t in town, hopefully we catch up with them the next time.
We came down for the weekend before her birthday, driving down on Friday, whooping it up on the weekend, and heading back on Monday. The plan: to surprise the guest of honor by arranging a Saturday lunch with her usual gang, with the rest of us already there waiting for her arrival. We somehow managed it, but when she arrived, she jumped right in the buffet line and was NOT about to give up her spot! It took us 10 minutes to get her attention off of the line. When she finally looked over, her jaw hit the floor. Wheee!!
A nice full weekend of meals and jokes (and even some video gaming with bro, whoop) later, we headed back home. We need to work in more family time!!