38 thoughts on “Me and… cancer??

  1. Hi Mooker, If this works,it’s only because you taught me everything I know about computers–well Dan and Dad helped,too.,But you were my first Guru–remember all those VEGAN lunches I served you ,when you were working for Dell, and Ollie Pugh-back when you still lived in Ft. Myers, Fl.
    We got home at Midnight Fri nite-left at 8:30 am, but with stopsand 2 accidents on I-75,it took longer than13 Hours.I’m so glad you got to the soccer game today. Don’t push too hard.I know you are in good hands–your docs,Andrea and the girls,Boop,,friends and neighbors,your church,and pastors,and best of all in GOD’S merciful and caring hands>

  2. Forgot to sign off!
    You know we adore you and love you,and are here for you at any time.
    We send our Prayers and best wishes for a speedy recovery.
    Momma and Pops,too

  3. Mike:
    I read this blog and did not reply, but have been telling everyone about it. I distributed your shorter e-mail version to many, which brings tears to the eyes of those who read it because it is so inspiring and demonstrates your typical high spirits (which sometimes was worrisome to your parents when you were a teen, but now serves you well).
    It was good to talk to you today and hear your voice,
    Blessings and love, in our Savior,

  4. Hi Mike! Your Mom & Dad have kept us informed and we, in turn, keep our kids informed,…so your health news and recovery progress are being prayed for and the victories being celebrated by many more people. We are so very glad that you are receiving the wonderful medical care and that your body is responding.
    I think back to the first time you and Dan spent the night at our house in the Landings in 1984! I even remember what I served you for breakfast (no sausage or bacon even back then). Since that summer when we moved here from Dallas your family has been so close to our hearts. Of course I didn’t like your Mom at first because I thought she was fake…no one could possibly be that nice. I soon found out that she was absolutely the real thing…more kind and caring and compassionate than anyone I had ever met. And then there was the visiting minister incident with David. Do you remember that? And how much “behind the scenes” hoping and talking and praying that Donna’s boy and Betty’s girl would get together…because we all knew that was a perfect match! So here we are all these years later with our children grown and lots of grandchildren to talk about (Greg & I have 9 now). We send our love to you and your family, with a commitment to continue to pray that the Lord with bring healing and restoration of good health. Much love, Karen & Greg

  5. Is this some kind of joke? You’re not supposed to get sick! TMI on the middle passage of the above by the way. (For my weak stomach at least.) We’ll keep you, Andrea and the girls in our prayers. Let us know if you need anything.

  6. Mike,
    I sent a message to you on the 25th and as I look it says it is “awaiting moderation.” What???? Can you read it at all?
    So sorry about Andrea’s Dad…I remember him.
    Hope you are improving.

  7. Dear Mike,
    Received your Mom’s email today and must say, my heart sank as I read the headline of Mike’s health update. I was able to read through her previous emails and then your blog to get the info and update. I am stunned! You and Andrea are, by far, the healthiest eaters I know! Hopefully all that good food for all those years will serve you well by keeping you strong as you go through your chemo and radiation. I will add you to my prayer list and relay all your information to Katy and Brad. I know you will be in their prayers also. God will be watching over you and Andrea and the girls! Love, Olly

  8. Thank you all for all the support and love. I know a lot of you have had humbling experiences as well. I am so grateful for your kind words and prayers.

    I am back in the hospital right now, the tube is back (ack!), but it should only be another day or two before I can head home (again). Upwards and onwards!

  9. Hey, Mike and Andrea–Mike, you are in our prayers and thoughts EVERY day. You are so strong–you keep it up and get better–NOTHING is impossible with God and He is with you.
    Hey, from one crazy-in-love with dogs family to another–we have a new baby boy–“Rowdy,” an airedale/golden mix–all black with smooth but kinky fur–baby makes 3 big doggies–he sends you a puppy piggy grunt from under his blankie.
    We love you guys a lot –our congregation will be praying for you soon when the next go-round of bulletins is printed.

  10. Mike,
    Glad to see you mom still calls you Mooker. I have been reading your blog-I love your courage and fight. Keep it up!! It was nice touching base with you last week.

    Hope we can get you up to VT someday, especially now that I know you like hot spicy Indian food (how about Thai?)

  11. Hi, Mike:

    Your Mom and Dad have kept us updated on your health developments. We sent off your blog address to Stephen and to Rebecca (and her husband Ray) earlier today.

    Please know that you have been in our prayers and will remain so. Our love to you and Andrea.

    –“Uncle” Bill and “Aunt” Barbara

  12. Dear Mike,
    Is it okay for me to say, I think you’ve missed your calling? How do you manage to make colon cancer funny? Write a book already. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family – EVERYDAY.
    God bless –

  13. Your family in Maryland is praying for your journey, as is our entire church!
    Bruce and Janet
    Mark, Daniel and Sarah

  14. Hey, Mike (and Andrea, and girls) — got your blog address from your mom. We’d been keeping up with the reports, but appreciate hearing your own words. We thank God for the creative joy he’s given you to be able to write to us your experiences through the cancer ordeal, lifting us up with a laugh or two even as we’ve been given an insightful look into our own vulnerabilities and needs. We also know with confidence that your health (as well as our own) is in our Lord’s good hands — hands that hold yesterday, today, tomorrow, and always! We are praying for your recovery and have asked the people of our church — Memorial Lutheran in Sioux Falls — to be praying for you also.

    Aaron and Lisa

  15. Hey Mike…My brother took in a mini-DVD player and watched movies during his chemo (he had colon cancer ST.3; into lymph nodes, etc…when he was 34…he’s turning 39 this Dec….clean for almost 4 years…)

    He said it was one tool that helped him out during those long chemo hours.

    We’re thinking about you over here on “that other coast.” Love and hugs to you and yours.
    Doug & the boyz

  16. Hey, Mooker,

    When we all agreed when you were first diagnosed that God uses these situations to bring us into His classroom to teach us important life lessons (Romans 8:28), I never guessed He would use and equip you to be our star teacher. Whatever others have done, few have recognized and used opportunities given them to be as productive as you in inspiring so many people. I’m prouder than a dad whose son won a gold medal in the Olympics.

    O.K., so I’m gushing — and your face is red with embarrassment at this public accolade…but as a poppa yourself, you must know that we can’t resist praising our kids for transforming life events into memorable defining moments we cherish forever.

    God keep your spirit soaring and guide you to renewed strength and health.

    Love, Poppa
    P.S. – Do not dare to delete this on penalty of…THE STRAP! (Remember?)

  17. Dear Michael:

    I have added you to our prayer list at Grace Lutheran Church here in Palo Alto, CA — so I guess you are being prayed for from coast to coast in several time zones.

    I am very impressed with your blog — sad that you are going through such a difficult time but amazed at your continuing humor and good spirits. It has been decades since you, Dan, and your parents came and stayed with your California cousins in San Carlos (remember that visit??) but it’s clear that you have turned out very well. :)

    You are in our thoughts and prayers every day — all is possible and I look forward to hearing about your treatment and RECOVERY.


  18. Mike,
    I’ve eaten at the mellow mushroom in Asheville. I can’t believe it is a franchise; it didn’t have that feel to it. This burst a little bubble about cool local restaurants.

    Keep the faith, take it all a day at a time.

    Peace in Christ,


  19. Mike,

    What do you think about having my bachelor party out there? **** It will be wild! ****

    (Yes I censored your message – you should have a personal assistant for that. :P WHEN IS THE WEDDING DATE MY CRAZY FRIEND?)

  20. Hey mike,You’re at it again.Thanks for the update. I just talked with you an hour ago, and this wasn’t even up yet. I’m so glad for the 10 good days–Keep on running-if it really doesn’t hurt;and ride that glorious bike often–. I said I would e-mail Niki/Bobby Kelly’s blog,but I’ll just post it here for all the world to see/I hope that is not some cyber-space faux-pas.If it is,just delete it from here if you can. Here goes: http://www.nikibobby.blogspot.com/

  21. Dear Mike,
    Just checking in on you…You are inspiring – so well informed, so upbeat and so talented! Who knew you could write like this?? You are offering us an upclose and personal insight into your battle and with your determination and attitude, you will win it! God has blessed you with many, many gifts and your ability to take others along on your journey is a great gift to those that are traveling the same path. God is using you! Keep on biking!

  22. Hi Mike,Glad to see the new blog entry. I gave you a comment yesterday, when I first read it,but I must have forgotten to submit it,’cause dad reminded me that choir practice was in a little while, and I hadn’t even started supper-so I finished my comment,and raced to fix dinner.I did mention nikiand bobby’s blog address–so maybe that was a cyber-space faux-pas,and they wouldn’t pass it on,but it was probably that I didn’t submit it But, Olly said it all in the previous comment, and I’ll just add a big ditto to that, and send the blog on an e-mail.It was nice to talk with you yesterday.I’ll call ,soon. Love, Momma

  23. I guess now with all the wonderful comments of support, others can see exactly what I’m talking about! Thanks to you all, you guys are the best.

  24. What a great start to my day to read your most recent blog. With choir singing this morning at 11 AM (extra sleep for us and great anthems to follow), and plans to see “The Navitiy tonight with our small group (in place of our regular study of Revelation), things can only get better through the day.
    About movies:
    Mom and I went to see “Casino Royale” (the new Bond movie). This isn’t mom’s kind of movie, but Dan (my action/adventure movie partner) had seen it (with Val), so mom, feeling sorry for me, went as a special favor for me (she’s the best). The music was great…loved it, and it caught my attention with the over-the-top action at the start, but by the time we got to the ending, the action had become so absurd, it was almost laughable (Remember those silhouette characters on TV years ago shown in a theatre while they verbally critiqued the awful “B” movies on the screen in front of them?) Well that was fun, but Casino Royale wasn’t quite that bad.
    As already mentioned, we are going to see The Nativity tonight. It has good reviews and was even promoted in our own “Lutheran Witness.”
    Dan and I are eager to see Mel Gibson’s “Apocolypto.” It contains graphic violence, but Newspress gave it 4 stars and a good review, as have others. The story line sounds engaging, and the ancient historical Mayan setting ishould be an outstanding and spectalar backdrop.
    In our screenwriting sessions at the recent Writers Conference, we saw the first ten minutes of “Body Heat” as a demonstration of what a movie should reveal in the first, third and tenth minute of screening. It’s a 1981 film starring William Hurt and Kathleen Turner. It’s steamy, and maybe that’s why I can’t get anyone to look at it with me.
    If I know mom, I suspect she has mentioned to you that there’s good stuff available from Netflix on that old favorite series you watched and kids, “Electric Company.” We saw excerpts and reruns on NPR recently and had almost forgotten what good comedy for all ages was presented. Bill Cosby’s deadpan renditions set us into gales of laughter.
    Well, I guess that’s it for now, or we’ll be late for church.
    Love you and follow St. Paul’s advice to pray without ceasing (for you).

  25. Hi Mike, I just started a long comment on your blog, and when I looked up ,it was gone–It was a good one ,too.You know what a slow typer I am. Perhaps it got tired of waiting. IQuoted our 2nd lesson read in church today that was very meaningful to me, and I was just finishing it ,when it disappeared.It was fromPhilippians 4: 4-7, then pastor Rockey added vss.8 and 9. I want to write it again, but I’ll let you look up vss 8 and 9.
    “Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say to you, Rejoice. Let your gentleness be known to everyone. The Lord is near. Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” the other verses talk about “Think on these things: True, noble, right , pure, lovely, admirable, excellent , praiseworthy–and put them into practice,—and the God of Peace will be with you.

    Now, I need to hear your voice, so I’m going to call you on the phone.Please answer!.

    You probably had the same reading at your church this morning?
    Love you, Mom

  26. Hey, Mike! Still “praying for you–we still refer to you as “uncle Mike” and Cole queried: “Is he really our uncle?”–I told him, well, not by blood, but when you’ve been close and known someone as long as we have you, that, well, “uncle” is almost understood. We love to read about you and the family. You realize that life marches on providing many distractions. You guys are still so special to us–loved your Christmas picture–was that Scotland? Pretty cool and Andrea looks wonderful–LOVE the long hair–I’m trying to grow mine–taking forever!
    I was skimming over your dad’s blog (HI, Pastor Miller!)–MUST SEE movies: We are Marshall and Night at the Museum–took the boys to both. You’ll cry in one and smile in the other. Also, are you and Andrea “Office” watchers? Mark got me the first 2 seasons on dvd–haven’t laughed out loud at a tv show since Seinfeld–until the Office.
    Will continue to lift you up–praying especially for peace during the quiet moments that life lends–too much time to think. Love you guy–Kimberly

  27. Oops! I got all mixed up, and commented under your ‘books’ section, thinking that that was a new posting. In all fairness, it is dated Jan. 19th – I don’t mind if you don’t!

  28. Hi Mike,Was glad to see your blog from1/19/07. We knew that port wasn’t right even with all their testing! Finally they admit it after the next to the last chemo–go figure!.It’s good you only need one more14 day chemo, and they will now put it in the vein. That can get old,too, after awhile, but one time is good, and then you are done until the Winston-Salem surgery.

    I only knew about that entry,because BETH Treffery wrote an e-mail and mentioned she had read it; her e-mail was to tell me that her sister Kathy, who still lives in Connecticut,–remember Kathy was one of our foster daughters in Connecticut, when you were just a baby–;anyway,Kathy has a daughter named Heather who was just diagnosed with Colon cancer, and Beth wanted me to know. I will fwd Beth’s e-mail to you, but don’t know how often you look at your e-mail, so I’m telling you about it here.

    Prayers, always,Momma

  29. Oh mom that’s too bad to hear! Sometimes life is hard to understand. Maybe in the future we’ll get a handle on the scourges of today. In the meantime, Heather will be in our thoughts and prayers as she takes up the fight.

  30. Mike, got caught up on the progress today, thanks for the recent postings. I miss not having spoken with you lately but I understand (from your blogging) the pace and challenges you are dealing with…Terry and I both keep you, Andrea, and the girls in our prayers and you guys are never far from our thoughts. Would love to see you guys at some point, maybe this Spring…Love you

    Ken & Terry

  31. Hey, Mike I was reading your update referring to the yin and yang, the absence of suffering as a positive opportunity–you know what that reminds me of? I mean, for real–a drug free delivery–been through it 3 times and that is the ohm state that I fell into–the positive opportunity (no pain and a baby) came quickly–the tunnel wasn’t dark long–but I TOTALLY get what you are talking about. Nothing lasts forever, right? We look back on our pain and suffering–be it literal pain or emotional wranglings–and we say, “hey, with God’s help, I did that–WOW–YOU, my friend are right there in that moment. As Mark says, “the worm will turn.” (who said THAT in the first place, anyway, and where is the worm turning–is he in an apple or in the ground)?–That physical pain is an “in-your-face” reminder of what you are enduring–the “test,” if you will, and how you accept that pain and how you embrace it is the battle, right? Pull that rope tight and rein it in, Mike! We are so proud of your attitude–praise God for lending strength- huh?

  32. I’m back, I just got out of the shower (tmi?)–It is very cold and VERY windy here. God’s blessings are not limited to “the big three” (family, health, home)–they abound and are often so small that we fail to notice, but tonight is cold an my HOT HOT shower was a real blessing–a friend from church who battled breast cancer (and won), tells of how she kept a journal during her “flight” as you call it. She began with the usual suspects mentioned above-sans perfect health for the moment–but by the 3rd round of chemo, she was so thankful for ice chips from the nurses and smiles! Mike, His blessings DO abound, and you are right, we ALL forget to see them sometimes–thank you for the reminder–my socks are so cozy.–Love from the Welches!

  33. Dear Mike, Today-Jan. 29,2007–Is the last Chemo, (and in your arm vein???)-I’ve been prayin’ and thinking about you all day Sunday, and all night last night, at least ’til I fell asleep, and hoping this last chemo before the surgery would go much better than the previous 3 sessions with the Avastin!!!–I haven’t called you since Wrenny’s birthday,’cause I feel like such a pest,but I just want you to know we are all with you in spirit, and know you are surrounded by family and friends in NC.Just think, you will have at least 4 good weeks before you come to Ft. Myers on 2/22/07’til 2/26/07Fo Andrea’s Dad’s memorial service in Ft. Myers on 2/23/07. Cannot wait to see you all.I know it’s a sad occassion,but we’ll have some fun time.too. Especially when we celebrate your OLD Dad’s 70th birthdzay that Sat. or Sun. Tell us what to plan for that. Val mentioned renting a small pontoon boat for an afternoon–Jeanne and Chuck will be here,too. And so many of Betty’s friends are so anxious to see her!!Love you,always,
    Mom(and a lot of people want to celebrate with Dad)

  34. Dear Michael,
    Just checking in….you are a mighty warrior in this battle! Knowledge = power to fight it. The benefit of pain (and suffering) is that it does help us to focus on our blessings and appreciate them and to draw us closer to our God. Your attitude is a blessing to your family and your writing continues to amaze and impress me. (Your description of the Toyota Prius could be in Car and Driver. Great Work!!) You and your sweet family are in my thoughts and prayers.

  35. Thanks, Mike. You make my heart sing.Really howled at your “message to your Dr.” story..Sure is nice to have a good day like yesterday. I’m so glad that “leaking”—–(my diagnosis)—- port is out. You sounded so happy on the phone, when you called to tell us it was OUT!

    Can’t wait to see you!, Mom

    PS Olly is right . You should send that Prius story to Car and Driver.

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