I found out last week that my NM-DMS department at ABB is moving to Texas. I am keeping my options open and seeing what is available locally. I sent out links to my resume Monday night and awoke on Tuesday to find that my main computer died. This is the computer that serves up my resume and handles all my email. In other words, Murphy’s Law strikes again.
I finally got everything working by the end of Tuesday – it was a long night – read about the details on my tech blog. Makes me wonder how much of an idiot I looked like as people got error messages when they went to view my resume. Looking for a job is so random, “sure things” never seem to work out, and you never know which minor bit of networking is going to change your life. I guess you just have to see it as an adventure!
By the way, here’s my resume… I hope that doesn’t empower Murphy’s Law again. :> UPDATE: And like clockwork, we had a power outage today. At least it only lasted for a couple hours. C’est la vie.