CT scan showed tumor growth

I got my semi-annual CT scan on Friday, and Dr. Levine reported that a mucinous layer had expanded from 5mm in the previous scan to 9mm. On the previous scan, he had said I was clean, so it sounds like you have to see some change to really tell what’s going on.

I am sure I looked crestfallen as he delivered the news. His immediate response was “You’re too worried!” He recommended to stick with the schedule, and get another scan in 6 months. Even so, it took me right from “cancer-free” back to “living with cancer”. Fortunately, it’s slow-growing, and over time, there is progress in fighting the disease. For example, when I had my IPHC, there was a Stage I trial to use a newer drug instead of the older standard drug. I opted out, because they didn’t even have a good knowledge of the dosage to use at that time. But now, clinical trials like this Stage II one are using newer drugs for IPHC. There are options for the future. But for now – the battle is back ON! Time to eat right and exercise my butt off. :> And do some more research…

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