Getting A Clearer Picture

November 14, 2006

I couldn’t wait any longer, and sent an email directly to Dr. Sugarbaker asking him to allow me to get cytoreductive surgery (CRS). I hope I didn’t jump the gun, since I have more information now…

It looks like if I have colon cancer (which is more common), Dr. Sugarbaker’s office is not interested. They are focused on appendiceal cancer, I suppose because the prognosis is better, and with limited resources it is best to apply them where they are most effective. For colon cancer, they have 8 or so other doctors to which to refer me. Also, they will not operate within FOUR MONTHS of previous surgery, so it will be a long while before I will be scheduled (even though I KNOW I can handle it sooner!). So I don’t think I can avoid interim systemic chemotherapy. I have a meeting with Dr. Elizabeth Campbell this Thursday, maybe we will kick it off then.

I am still waiting for the word from Dr. Michael Morse’s office. He is hoping to have a pathology report soon. This pathology report will either say “appendiceal”, in which case I have a hope of CRS with Dr. Sugarbaker, or it will say “colonic”, in which case I will be exploring the options with the 8 referral doctors, including Dr. Levine in Winston-Salem. Steady on…

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