More chemo and more exercise

November 29

Went on a nice sleigh ride.

November 30-December 3

Ran 2 miles Friday
Ran 4 miles Saturday
Ran 2 miles Sunday

Something like that, anyway…

December 4

Back for more chemo fun. Andrea hung with me again, we watched Woody Allen be a total goofball jackass in “Take the Money and Run”. An inspiration for us all for generations to come. :> The nurse had a few good tips, including checking out Dr. Weil online.

December 7

Thursday after chemo seems to be the low point. Not feeling so great. Still managed to push hard on the elliptical (thingee?) for close to an hour, got a good sweat going while watching the first fifteen minutes of “The Puffy Chair” (it failed our mandatory 15-minute-into-the-movie assessment, sorry NetFlix, better luck next film) and a couple episodes of 20 Good Years (OK, it’s a sitcom but I still love John and Jeffrey).

December 8

Biked to work today, even though it was in the 20’s. Still trying to decide if that was wise… :> My cold-sensitivity side effects were indeed in effect – hands and feet were tingling in the biting cold wind, and by the time I got to work my feet were numbscicles. I wasn’t sure if they would thaw out… but they did. The gear I have is currently NOT wind-proof, which is NOT good. For the ride home, I scrounged up 4 pair of socks and rubber gloves, with the help of one of the other two bike commuters (thanks Ricardo!), it definitely helped.

I’m kind of annoyed that I still feel nauseous today, I was hoping to really kick this stuff out with my exercising. Exercise makes me feel better while I’m doing it, but I’m finding that it isn’t necessarily a nausea “cure”. Which is too bad, because it’s a lot cheaper than Zofran, which is an absolutely ridiculous $500 for a four-day supply (and it is certainly far from a surefire cure, too). How do insurance companies put up with that? A Persian herbal remedy from Mehdi is lemons – lots of them – he says the stomach will regulate the extra acid no matter how many you eat, and I tend to agree, after seeing the acid that the stomach is capable of cranking out (thanks to my NG tube). I ate a whole lemon and it did feel a bit better for a while. Feeling a bit better every day now…

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