No-progress weekend, but fun!

November 12, 2006

The weekend is really dragging, as there’s not going to be any word from the doctors. In the meantime, having a great time – every moment is now cherished. :>

1) Getting motivated! I started running, a small circuit around the neighborhood, probably less than a mile, but I’m using my muscles, whoop!

2) In even bigger news, my neighbor Johnny has a goal to outfit all the neighbors with all the sports gear they need. He works at Play It Again Sports, a great store that deals in used sports gear, and he’s been keeping his eye out for a new bike for me. I bought my beloved old bike, a “Windsor AM 5 International”, made in Mexico and top-rated by Consumer Reports in 1983, in 11th grade with lawncutting money. I was heartbroken when the front derailler finally gave out and I was told that there were no replacements for deraillers for that frame style, even in everyone’s old stockpiles of parts. I remember the moment of putting it out at the curb, it just seemed so wrong. So I was patiently using the old mountain bike my friend Vic had given me in 1989 (a relatively new bike!), while Johnny kept his eye out for a good replacement. Well, as he said, following the Tour de France, many “bike enthusiasts” have to upgrade, and what a sweet deal it made for me. A couple hundred bucks for a fully loaded Cannondale. Talk about motivation to get back out on the street!

3) In a similar vein, I picked up Lance Armstrong’s book “It’s not about the bike”, an autobiography about his cancer fight. He had brain, lung AND testicular cancer, decades ago, so there’s plenty of motivational material there. Browsed through other cancer books at the bookstore, mostly reinforcing what I’m already doing: avoiding sugar, caffeine, and anything of questionable nutritive value (processed junk, even non-whole-grain pastas and breads); eating my fruits and veggies; taking vitamins; exercising. I didn’t see anything specifically about colon cancer on the bookshelf.

4) Continuing to bulk up – finally feeling good enough to make it to my favorite restaurant – Udupi – for a south Indian vegetarian feast! Spicy and fattening and full of lots of good vegetables, it was a major event for me. :>

5) Played a LOT of Age of Emperors ][: The Conquerers with the girls – we have three working computers and we play friendly games of exploration and building. Fun! They’re really getting good at it (especially stealing relics!). I’d like to look for something new to try soon, there’s a lot left to explore.

6) The family (dogs included, of course) walked the neighborhood over to the park for some play time. The leaves are all changing, a most beautiful time to get out and about. The day was wonderfully warm – probably one of our last “best” days before the cold starts moving in.

7) Church this morning was a sea of supportive faces. Very encouraging.

8) There’s a play tonight at church, our friend Keith’s first attempt at co-directing the church youth. Yesterday’s performance was supposed to be hilarious, full of improvisation, and we’re looking forward to it.

9) And how could I forget.. LOST! Jane has tracked down Season 2 for us and I’m putting poor Andrea through as much of it as she can stand. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, you rock, boo!

At least there’s been enough to do so that we’re not just sitting around waiting. :>

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