Out and About

October 20, 2006

Today, the doc popped the thirteen staples out of my belly with what looked like something out of an office supply catalog. He did a great job on patching me up. Too bad I didn’t have the staples still in on Halloween, would have made for a perfect canvas for some Frankenstein artwork. Monday I get a port put in. Rollin’ rollin’ rollin’…

October 21, 2006

Today, I got up and made it out to the girls’ final soccer games, whooohooo! And now I’m resting, recovering, my stomach muscles are trying to heal themselves and really working hard – my pulse is 80 – the nurse said she was glad it wasn’t 100, which can happen after surgery. Oh to exercise again! Step at a time… While I’m resting I’ve been calling Andrea from bed on the cell phone. Now, that might sound mean and lazy and whiny. But I don’t call to ask for anything! Just to say hello. So hopefully that is socially acceptable behavior. You rock boo! She is seriously the best. thing. ever. Man did I pick the right soulmate. :>

And what a lesson in humility. I am not in charge of things here. Time to remind myself of that.

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