
October 16, 2006

I have to say that the whole experience has been a huge perspective shift. So many people have been so helpful. I’ve gotten a lot of rest (not all uncomfortable), and people have just been praying and cooking and well-wishing and sponge-bathing and robe-tying and keeping me in such totally good spirits that I feel great. If laughter is the best medicine, I have to thank all the people that showed up or checked in and made my stomach stitches ache as I held them and stifled guffaws: Andrea, my brother Dan and my mom (who drove up from FL as soon as they got the word!), me poppa (who also made the trek up from FL), Betty, Gary Prevost, Vic Forberger, Greg James, John Poucher, Mike Rothwell and Keith Lea, Keith and Tanya Merchant, Mike Zappe (getting married in just a few days!!), Pastor Dave and everyone at RLC, Jane and Larry Gillespie, Alec Oesterling, Tom Gebbia and the rest of the Y Princesses gang, the Davises and everyone on the Spirit soccer team, Jim Brown, Bill Boswell, Stephen Wolfe, Ginnie Beth Robinson, Prashanth Suthrave, William Peterson and everybody at ABB, all my uncles and aunts and other relatives, and all the other people that caught me in my morphine-induced stupor. :>

And all the nurses here at Rex have been fantastic: Stacey, Anna, Dorin, Melissa, Jean, Erin, Lu, Carol, Minnie, etc. – thank you all!!

October 19, 2006

And now that I’ve been home for a day or two I have realized all the neighborhood love that has been pouring out, with food and well-wishes coming in every day from the Gillespies and Merchants and the James gang and Heather & Brad and Chris & John and Fran & Bill and Kerrie & Chris and Carrie & Richard and Kim & Andrew and Alan & Barb and support from Marilyn Chappell from the girls’ dance studio and I’m realizing that I just can’t list everyone, it will go on forever, so THANK YOU ALL, you have been so kind!

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