Tornadoes rip by our neighborhood

Yikes! We’re fine, but we are thinking of others very nearby – a “large” (weatherman’s emphasis) tornado came by at 70 mph within a couple blocks of our house. Estimates are that a couple dozen people were killed, 130 homes were destroyed, and a thousand more homes were damaged in North Carolina. Trees are down everywhere and it’s going to be a while before everything’s cleaned up. I wonder if I should get a chainsaw at the store… if they have any… Continue reading “Tornadoes rip by our neighborhood”

10.0 TEDx Talks, Raleigh

If you don’t know what TED Talks are, they are 15-minute talks on Really Important and Inspiring Topics, meant to quickly educate and inspire you. They have been going on for quite a while. Bill Gates famously released mosquitos at one talk, and explained his plan for extracting energy from spent nuclear fuel in another. There are talks on stopping aging and poverty and global warming. In short, they are just fantastic. If you haven’t ever seen them, go browse. Now. You will have one of the better days of your life. :>

So when I heard that there was going to be TED talks here in Raleigh, I just about blew a fuse with excitement. Turns out it was a TEDx event. These are not official TED events, they are put together by anyone that wants to, borrowing the format and a few resources from TED.

It couldn’t have been better. Jim Brown checked in and wanted to meet for lunch – NetApp finally wised up and hired him after a dozen interviews, whoooop! – so he biked downtown (of course) and we headed over to the Raleigh IMAX for lunch, where the event was taking place all day.

I had been streaming it at work in the morning, and was already pretty amped up. When we got there, there was no one really manning the entrance. We asked one guy behind the main desk and he sort of shrugged his shoulders and mumbled something about preregistering, so I said “Oh OK, well we’re just going to peek in and grab some empty seats for a little bit”. I sent a tweet that we got in, and someone tweeted back that I’d better run, they were coming for me. But I was long gone by then. Whee!

The two talks we saw must have been custom-designed for me. The costs of factory farming and unlimited geothermal energy. Holy crap

The first talk was from a local farmer who got out 30 years ago and recently got back in. He was alarmed at the extent that factory farming had taken over. To optimize production at all costs, the “natural” farm cycle had been split into specialized factories. Hogs are produced in one place, corn in another, etc. This broke the cycle of efficiency of the traditional farm, where animal waste fertilized crops that fed the animals. With the new methods, hog waste is a toxic waste problem, and corn fertilizers are produced from largely imported petroleum products. And the products themselves are tainted – milk has to be pasteurized and meat cleansed with ammonia. While the production has actually not gone up that much, the energy efficiency has dropped significantly, requiring an enormous amount of input energy offset by subsidies and military action to protect the flow of oil. Jim took exception to that :> but otherwise generally agreed with the good points. Which was good to hear because I felt like he thought I must have set him up with this talk. Which I didn’t! :>

The second talk was from a retired NASA engineer who is looking for investors for his geothermal energy plants, wahoo! He has everything designed already, he just wants about $200 to build a prototype and get things rolling. Basically it’s a plant that takes advantage of the temperature differential between deep-ocean and surface temperatures. Turbines produce energy, you can harvest purified water from it, and you can even set it up to produce hydrogen fuel. He said with 900 shoreline plants, we could replace the need for imported oil. Get this thing rolling now!!

Back at work, I watched some more and got further pumped up. Videos about the amazing magician who trained to break the record for holding his breath, another documenting the horrible result of our disposable plastic society – all gathering at various oceanic locations around the world. I’ve been going bagless at the grocery store ever since.

It’s so great to know that people are engaging in real problems and taking them head-on. It’s a good day when your faith in humanity is somewhat restored. Keep at it good peoples! :>

10.0 Jack Johnson “To The Sea” concert, one total pearl jam

This was such a kickin’ good time in so many ways.

An entire green village was available pre-show for us to explore. We got a nice little booklet explaining all the green steps taken by Jack on the tour. He donates 100% of profits to charities – YES 100%!! and he did the same on the last tour!!  Think about that for a minute.  Beautiful.

The booklet had a section of stamps to collect for doing green things:

  • visiting a non-profit booth in the village, groups included:
    • reduce plastic usage
    • beaver preserve – Found out about an excellent beaver preserve right in downtown Durham.  Chatted with the people running the four related preserves.  Turns out Jack had found and contacted them personally and asked them to set up an exhibit.  They are working on an interconnected set of preserves to make an entire greenway belt, awesome.  Got two stamps from them, for visiting and donating, and they gave me a nice refillable water bottle which i used to earn another stamp! wahoo!  I wore my “Bummer” shirt (w pic of Hummer), the lady at the booth got mad cause she thought it said Hummer, and we had a good laugh.
    • CO2 offset purchasing
  • donating
  • buying a CO2 offset right at the concert
  • getting a picture in the picture booth signifying “i commit to reduce plastic usage”
  • refillable water stations – They proactively encouraged water refill usage, you got a stamp for filling up!  Sponsored by brita filters, this was unbelievable that they got permission for this, as the pavillion charges $4.50 for disposable bottles.

During the pre-show, they played back time-lapse photos of the stage as it filled up.  They also showed all the pictures from the photo booth, awesome, the girls right in front of us popped up on the big screen and laughed at themselves.

The show itself was a total pearl jam.  They got the party started on a high with “you and your heart” – the BEST.  Jack is truly a great guy, and he brought out LOTS of friends he’s made along the way:

  • Paula Fuga, a Hawaiian woman playing ukelele to a couple of her excellent songs (country road,…)
  • the awesome slide guitarist from Animal Liberation Orchestra
  • G Love jamming on harmonica (I heard he helped Jack get started by playing some of Jack’s songs)
  • the band’s keyboard player (Zack Gill, also from ALO) jammed on an ACCORDIAN for a while oh yeah – this guy was just so much fun, riffed on the piano like it was part of his body.
  • the bassist kicked out a wicked rap

LOTS of jammmmmming ensued!  Jack also worked in some cars lyrics into “sitting waiting wishing”, perfect mashup… once he remembered the lyrics, haha, he made fun of himself… “i dont mind you comin here, and wasting all my time…”  They also played a full version of steve miller’s the joker, perfect.  And just about every great song he’s written… which is to say, A LOT OF UNBELIEVABLY GOOD MUSIC!!  :P

Thank you Jack!

FIFA’s reward for overworked refs? “Go Home.”

FIFA refuses to come out of the stone age, instead preferring futbol to be refereed by one human being guaranteed to make mistakes – mistakes that the world can watch in gorgeous hi-def slow motion, over and over, seconds after they occur. Players perpetually dive and shove and take cheap shots behind the ref’s back, unashamed of the camera catching their every move, simply because it pays off – the fans may boo, but the play goes on in their favor, and the only one clueless to the truth is the poor overworked referee.
Poorly distributed cards aside, the number of bad calls at this year’s World Cup has been staggering, with the most well-known errors leading to an incorrect score. Even before the World Cup began, complaints regarding the famous French handball that knocked Ireland out of qualifying were at a din. During, the US were mysteriously stripped of a winning goal against Slovania without explanation, England was denied a critical goal that was a yard inside the net, and Argentina was given a goal against Mexico when it was clear to everyone that their man was offside. These kind of errors not only change the actual score, but provide a mental blow that certainly further affects the outcome. And don’t even get me started on the red cards, apparently distributed randomly as the lone referee grapples with maintaining control.
The most shameful thing that FIFA has done is scapegoat the referees. All three refs that made the goal errors have been sent home, as well as another that sent off Kaka after some ridiculous Ivory Coast acting. Talk about not fixing the problem. Until FIFA adds more referees, implements goal-line technology, and generally decides that truth is better than drama, they will be ON MY LIST. :P

An ode to bro

My bro is constantly trying to fight the right-wing hate machine that lives and breathes through all the bitter old people that use the internet (read: forward junk mail).  He does a beautiful job of debunking the bs, but it always falls on deaf ears (and minds).

So… I am reposting his inspired responses so they aren’t lost in the bottom of an overstuffed inbox.  All in good fun. Continue reading “An ode to bro”

Taking time out for the wolves

I’m super-busy trying to land a job in this impossible economy, but I had to take time out for my wolf friends today. They have unfortunately been on the receiving end of a backlash at their very moderate recovery. It’s not easy co-existing with predators, and currently, things are in real flux.

Donate to help the wolves here.

Read on for a discussion I had on another website, copied here to preserve it… Continue reading “Taking time out for the wolves”

Chattanooga, TN mission trip

Rei and IReiley’s middle school youth group is on a mission trip to Chattanooga and I’m along as an adult chaperone. It may be the best thing I’ve done in my life. We’ve spent hours pulling an invasive exotic (privett) from a beautiful Cherokee historical site run by a wise strong woman named Ms. Cleta, we’ve set up assembly lines to organize food at the massive Chattanooga food bank, and the kids are throwing themselves into it and working really hard. And having lots of crazy fun too, inevitable when you put 60 kids into one big church for a week of sleepovers. I should be unplugged so I’ll stop there for now – I just had to share a little bit.

Back now. Wow, what a great week of high-energy service from some wonderful kids. We finished up by working on the Girls, Inc. property and visiting the Life Center rehabilitation facility. Girls, Inc. is a home for young girls that gives them the skills and confidence they need to dream big and plan for college. We attacked the weeds that were choking out the back yard – more privett! – and helped them move supplies from one location to another. At the Life Center, we mingled with the folks, most of whom were older and severely challenged in one way or another. On the second day, we loaded a few folks on their bus and took a trip to a senior center to play ping-pong. The kids rose to every occasion and really shared God’s love with the whole of Chattanooga. Well done kids!

An environmentalist’s bad day, with a long shot at total redemption

Eight animals runnning around on your carpet for about a decade takes its toll. Andrea’s allergies have been acting up for years, likely synchronized with the buildup of dirt and dust deep within the carpet. So this week we are getting hardwoods installed in the entire house.
I have resisted for a while. It’s very costly (hello debt). And my inner environmentalist has been saying “can’t we just make do” (for far longer than reasonable, all things considered). The fact that the hardwood boxes are marked “Made in USA” doesn’t cover my guilt. Such conflict! So… here I am. I carted three vanfuls of carpet, padding, nails and carpet tack to the dump this week. *sigh*
In other vaguely related news, I discovered a beautiful bunch of bunnies – by running over them with my electric mower – none were harmed! – but they scattered like the wind. I pulled them out from the A/C ductwork and pushed them back into their burrow. I was determined to protect them, but… I had called our lawn guy to come mow, and he said to call him back when he was back in town. I feel like I spend half my life following up on things like that, but irony would have it that he was proactive, and came to cut the lawn on his own without a followup… mowing over the bunnies – again none were hurt! But when I heard the news, I was crestfallen and depressed. When I got home from work, I searched the yard and everything seemed okay. By now, the bunnies have grown too big for the burrow, but I’ve spotted them, and mom, around the yard, and hopefully the little guys will lead long happy lives. :>
So, to sum up, I’m not completely satisfied with my environmental efforts lately. Life can be full of hard choices and challenges! But there may be an unbelievably strong light at the end of the tunnel – EGS! I’ve recently become fascinated with the potential of this alternative energy source to solve all. our. problems. Seriously! We’ll see how it plays out, stay tuned!

spectrial round 1, over

Even if had money, I would rather burn everything I owned,
and not even give them, you know, the final dust from the burning, so…
(Anna: the ashes) Yeah, the ashes.
(Anna: not even the ashes) No, not even the ashes.
They could pick them up, and then give them to someone else.
They could have the job of picking it up.
That’s what I think about that media industry.

Peter Sunde

UPDATE: …and round 2 has begun… unbelievable…

We ran hard for Obama

The whole family dug in and ran hard to help get Obama elected.

Weekend before last: knocked on 90 doors, called 50
Saturday: knocked on 81 doors
Tuesday: knocked on 50+ doors, called 25

Great job crew! I am TIRED. :P The Dobbs are coming over soon. Time to relax and watch the numbers roll in…