The neighborhood got together for a “How To Host A Murder” party on New Year’s Eve, aka Larry’s birthday. It was a hit! Larry stormed around as the captain, yelling “don’t call it a boat, it’s not a boat, it’s a ship!” and “I don’t remember what I was doing, I was drunk at the time…”. Scott was decked out in a racing jacket and gloves, and Greg played out the accusatory investment banker perfectly. All the ladies were “dressed to kill”, which played out perfectly, as they all ended up running brothels or being romantically linked to the deceased.
To cap it all off, the role of the murdered host was played by none other than… Michael Jackson. Perfect casting! |
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Everybody had a blast, and we hope to do it again some time soon.

I know this sounds weird, but I have this game. The problem is that I no longer have the cassette tape. Is there any possibility that you might be able to type up the dialogue on the tape and email it to me? Thanks in advance if you can!
Argee! I have no idea where the game is now. We pass them around – so SOMEone at that party probably has it, or passed it on, or… Sorry! :<
I am playing this game tonight, but they didn’t send me the booklet for Mal! By any chance do you have it and could somehow get me the pages?!!!
Sorry Julie, again, I don’t have it any more! Can anyone else help? I guess it’s too late… :<
I have Mal but am missing Lucie. Let’s swap. My email is
I’m in the same situation as the first person… I’m hosting this party, but the tape is missing. Is there anyway someone could sum it up for me? I have the investigation report, but trying to figure out what happened by just the details is turning out to be a puzzle in and of itself. Email is… any help is appreciated!
any help in how to play because im having a party and i dont know how to do it. should i be the host or on of the characters??? please help!!!
If anyone is still playing this game and missing the cassette, you can listen to it here:
I have been given this game by my brother and very interested to give it a run. There is just one problem. There are two letters, one hand written and one typed. The is no indication where they should go or when they are to be read. Can anyone shed some light on this?