Back Under The Knife

I’m back in the hospital for what with a little luck will be my final cancer surgery ever. Read more in the usual place.

We’ve entertained ourselves with White Chicks, Borat, the British version of The Office, and our other little shenanigans, me on the computer (I now have our MythTV box (read: Tivo) accessible via the web, whoop!), and Andrea reading books and cranking through Logic Puzzles. :>

8 thoughts on “Back Under The Knife

  1. Thanks Jacob, will do!

    I see you’re a MythTV fan too, have you tried MythWeb yet? It’s pretty nice looking, and you can set up what you want to have waiting for you when you get home that way. It was one of the ways I kept from going crazy during this long hospital stay. :>

    Nice script to grab IMDB settings. too! I will have to try that out. I have another blog more dedicated to my MythTV adventures, here. We’ll have to keep sharing notes! :P

  2. Michael,
    I received your Dad’s ail last week concerning your surgery and was anxious to hear how the days after were going. Brad and I checked your blog and were relieved to hear that you are getting along pretty well….considering the magnitude of the surgery! I know havig Andrea and your Mom there these last few days has been a tremendous boost. May your recovery at home continue to go well!
    I’min Wasington, DC helping Brad and Mary after the birth of their son, WIlliam Dell Pugh “Will.” Will was born with a heart defect (TGA) which required heart surgeru at 36 hour old. He is doing very well!
    We all thank God for the knowledge and skill of doctors and nurses, don’t we?!!
    Take care!
    Olly & Brad

  3. Olly!! Sometimes we get such a mixture of blessings and challenges. I am very glad to hear that Will is doing well, we’ll keep him in our prayers. And yes, the advances of modern medicine are certainly in our favor!! :>

    Tell Brad and his wife that they are in our prayers as well, and to keep strong.

  4. Michael,
    I’m checking in again on you, and I know that you know what a hard time I have finding the correct place to leave my message! I read your latest entry just before Sunday School/Church this morning and my prayer for you for this next week is a reduction in your pain level. I pray that each day the pain level is reduced…I winced when I read that it was a 10! I know that your Mom is telling you to take what you need to get over this hump. May this week be better than last…painwise!

  5. Thanks Olly, it’s great to get your comments, right here. :> I am grateful for your prayers, I am slowly starting to get over this surgery.

    How is Will doing? We are praying for his full recovery. Does he have more to go through or is he through the worst of it?

  6. Mike, It was such a relief to talk with you Wed. night, when I was sitting in the try-on room at J C Penneys. You had worked all that day with much effort, and Andrea told me the next day, Thurs:5/24/07, you were at work. also. I salute you, and hope you can continue. As a nurse, I’m asking you to call your Dr.” Josh/”///,or Dr bloom? –is that what Andrea said their names are? They are in Raleigh, not 2 hours away ,in Winston-Salem, where Dr. Levine did the Big Surgery for your Appendiceal cancer. He’s very good at what he does, but you have to see your Primary care Physician to take care of the Constipation–sorry to discuss this on Mike’s blog–, and pain Management. That’s what they are good at. Please ask them if you could take ALEVE for your pain management–I do, after giving up all my prescription meds for Arthritis, and they work as well , maybe better. I was treating myself while we visited you in Cambridge in 1986, with Anacin , after I took Gelusil Antacids to cover my stomache. I came home from that trip and after a (upper)- gastroscopy, I found I had 4 ulcers. I had to try other things until the ulcers healed, and then Dr Hans Dieter Vohtland, my Gastrologist , called to say they had a new drug that would allow me to take NSAIdS again. It’s called CYTOTEC,(Covers my stomache) and I’ve taken it ever since. I take one every 12 hours before my ALEVE, and I’m pain free, again.–If I forget to take it, My joints remind me again, and then I’m good as new! You told me on the phone that you would really consider calling your Docs in Raleigh.So, have you done it,yet???? Go forth ,young man.
    While you’re asking, ask about the MIRALAX, I wrote to you in the e-mail, I sent. It’s supposed to be the newest thing for the Constipation, post op. You know that you can take 2 Colace 3X a day, and 2 senokott 3X a day for the rest of your life with out any bad effects–while you’re asking, ask your Doc about that! I’m sorry to say, but Stephanie should be asking about that problem, and addressing it with your Doctors!!!
    I admit you sounded like you had turned a faily lg corner after taking Andrea’s advice, and finally got some sleep. Don’t stop there, keep listening to her–she’s got a big load, doing everything she has to do, and trying so hard to help get you to health ,again
    You’ll probably never talk to me again, after this public reply, but please do anyway, because I love you very much, and I want you to consider carefully what I said, as a nurse.
    You Know your Mom would never say all this to you, but she asked ME, her alter-ego to speak.Love and Prayers, always, YO MOMMA

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