6 thoughts on “Balding old men that “keep it real”

  1. This is not how I envisioned my future when I married the cutest guy in the church youth group. Oh, woe is me!

  2. Mike, what the heck is this all about?? At least you have a head full of black hair
    Why don’t you send this to all the balding Sowa men, and their sons, to get their input. I know U. Ron had a “rug” at one time, but not anymore. They all wear it proudly–Look ar Dr Phil– He doesn’t seem to mind being bald–but I don’t see anything wrong with keeping your nice black Hair–only maybe a little shorter.Those other men are scary, tho, but you sure don’t look like them!!!
    Course I’m yo momma–I might be a tad predjudiced

  3. jenny80shair, rofl -the (no doubt empty) can of hairspray on the table makes that a classic. I hope she didn’t get within a half-mile of any open flames…

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