Keith Lea and the two-footed chest attack

Keith went for his 2nd-degree (or was it 3rd?) blackbelt test in Hapkido last month, and he gave me a ticket to get in to the 4-hour extravaganza. He looks great!  They had to run hundreds of miles to prep for the test over the last few months.  There was a veteran master that flew in from Korea, and other judges from far and wide. The most fun was watching Keith’s “skit”, which involved, among other things, joint locks and tumbles, a rubber-chicken nunchuk (no lie) and a beautiful two-footed chest attack that had him flying sideways like a backwards Superman – good thing Hapkido techniques involve learning how to fall without getting hurt! Although I am sure Keith was sore the next day. They served up dinner afterwards, including some nice spicy Kimchee. A great event, tons of fun. Too bad he has to wait 6 months for the results!

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