Motley Fool economic data on Presidents of the United States

The Motley Fool is pretty good at being pragmatic, and continues that trend with this report on economic data under past POTUSes.  It’s very very simple, very concrete data in a few categories.  As with most real data, it’s not going to give you a single clean answer.  But if you compare Obama’s numbers to George Bush, it is fairly apparent that Obama has made the United States a better place for business.  Yes, the Democrat is better for business than the Republican, even though he also feels compelled to make simultaneous improvements in a whole array of services and regulations to better the lives of citizens.

If you are a “damn the facts” voter who votes with his or her heart, and the Romney camp has won you over, let me just point out that what you are being told and what will be done are likely far apart from each other.  As best as I can tell, the primary beneficiaries of a Romney presidency will be billionaires.  The rest of us will likely be collateral damage.

Peace out.

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