LAN party on, Garth!

Don’t know if ya can call it a party, there were only 3 of us, but…

Chau gave Jason and me a nice Tribes ][ clinic. I was on my afore-mentioned TI4200 board, and not to be outdone, Jason picked one up that very night (along with a $15(!!) copy of T2). Despite being completely out-GPU’ed, Chau skooled us real good.

Update: CHAU HAS FALLEN! :P See comments…

Update: CHAU HAS BACKUP! Aaaaaa!! Duck and cover!

Riding the Rails

Me folks visited for a short while recently. My pop’s still hard at work on his novel about the kids that spent a lot of time “riding the rails” during the Great Depression. He’s actually doing some research on his travels right now, and then the ‘rents are swinging back around to stay overnight on Thursday. I will try to get him to let me post a bit of the book on here soon…

What’s with the 707 logo?

SquidBoy writes “What, you some kinda gang bangah? I don’t get it? :-)”

My wife no likey my little PopWillEatItself dude either. Geesh, that’s 2/3 of all the people that have ever (or will ever) look at this site. How about some suggestions for my new weblog mascot then? In the meantime, I cut him down to size…