HTHAM: The Grapes of Frath

The neighborhood got together for a “How To Host A Murder” party on New Year’s Eve, aka Larry’s birthday. It was a hit! Larry stormed around as the captain, yelling “don’t call it a boat, it’s not a boat, it’s a ship!” and “I don’t remember what I was doing, I was drunk at the time…”. Scott was decked out in a racing jacket and gloves, and Greg played out the accusatory investment banker perfectly. All the ladies were “dressed to kill”, which played out perfectly, as they all ended up running brothels or being romantically linked to the deceased.

To cap it all off, the role of the murdered host was played by none other than… Michael Jackson. Perfect casting!

Everybody had a blast, and we hope to do it again some time soon.

Dogproofing the cat litterbox room

Our most recently inducted family members Julian and Simon, being feline, desired a place to discretely excrete. But our dogs wanted none of that! Thinking fast, I recollected the experiences of our good friends and “cat people”, brother and sister Ken Etterman and Kimberly Welch. Both have had DECADES of feline/canine interaction experience in a full house environment, leading them to the same conclusion:


Hopefully all this experience can be leveraged for the masses! So without further ado, the DOGPROOFED CAT LITTERBOX HOWTO:

Step 1: Pick a room with a door for the litterbox. Any room will do, as long as it’s OK to always keep the dogs out of it.
Step 2: Attach a small hook to the inside of the door frame, as such:

Step 3: Tie a slipnot in a thick short string or rope, as such:

Step 4: Tie the other end of the string around the hook, as such:

Step 5: Slip the loop of the string around the doorknob, and adjust the slipnot so that your cat(s), but not your dog(s), can fit through the door, as such:

Step 6: You and the cats can come and go, the dogs are verbotten! Enjoy!

DVD players – what a ridiculous state of affairs

Tried to use one of those fancypants Windows DVD players but it turns out I can’t play a freakin’ DVD if I haven’t happened to have manually disabled my video-out on my video card. How sad is that! DVD *PLAYERS* have to go to great lengths to make sure you aren’t doing something as simple and fundamental as sending a video stream to an output jack. That’s like your car having an automatic refrigerator scanner in it to make sure there isn’t beer in your fridge before you go off driving somewhere. It’s so sad that it’s come this far…

I didn’t even think the video in/out was working on my Gainward video card. Hooked up my video camera to my tv-in jack and got this. At least I had a little fun in the end…

I got LASIK’ed!

I actually did it a couple weeks ago, but felt no reason to comment until things stabilized. I give it two thumbs up. No serious discomfort, even during the operation, which took all of about 10 minutes. My eyes are a bit dry at times, the only down side. Within 20 hours I had 20/20 vision, after one week I tested to 20/15. Cost less than $2k, and I could finance the whole thing at 0% interest. I can now wrestle with the dogs and girls without nose dings! :P

Go do it!

Leo Kottke in the house

We all took naps around 3 o’clock on Saturday while one of the kids from the neighborhood cut my lawn. (thanks Kelly!)

Then we got up around 5 and gathered up the troops. We took a blanket and a picnic dinner to the NC Art Museum’s amphitheater to hear the best guitar player on the planet lay down a wall of sound for two solid hours.

He was everything I hoped and expected, starting off with jazzy sounds, mixing in 15-year-old classics from my first exposures, rocking 12-string slides, and a beautiful darker tune in some minor key called “Industrial Park” (but he said the name in German hehe). All mixed with his droll disjointed ramblings that kept a permanent smile tatooed on everyone’s face – whenever we weren’t laughing out loud. We heard about everything from reincarnation to watermelon liberation to martian hibernation – something about a guy named Frizz Fuller and his crazy lyrics… “Martians at the window… And you in my arms… take down your antennae, don’t broadcast your charms…” And the whole time he’s just dinkin’ away on the guitar…

We brought the binoculars, and for the second half we were just a few dozen feet from him. I zoomed in on his hands and tried to figure out his playing technique. I couldn’t see a pick or a slide, but his dual melody-rhythms and walls of full twelve-string chords kept flowing out like he was using four guitars. So I guess his hands are just melded with his guitar, as I always expected.

Dang, that was fun!

Second Season of Soccer Starts

Reiley started her second season of soccer today, and Wrenny will be playing this year as well! Rei scored a goal at her first practice scrimmage game. Mia Hamm watch yer butt! Whooooop!

There was an ultimate tourney happening at the same time, every other player brought their hound dog, looked like a blast…