Just another perfect weekend

Another fabulous weekend with my fabulous girl.  <3

  • Friday: biked (!) over to Taverna Agora, Cara putting up with my faulty-steering flat-tired Schwinn, met up with Danno the Manno, fresh baba ganoush ftw.
  • Saturday: Hot yoga!  NC Museum of Art is a great haunt, we found a great African exhibit along with rediscovery of lots of their permanent collection, notably the fighter jet built from animated butterflies and flowers.
  • Sunday: Nice slow start, breakfast for lunch at Flying Biscuit, Cara helped me pick out some sweet Kuhl and Patagonia threads for work from Great Outdoor Provisioning while we waited.
  • Monday: delicious Latin American dinner at So Ca, sister restaurant of bu-ku – both have special vegan menus, make sure you ask!
  • Tuesday: nice lazy day, geocaching and Tor’ring, then out to the completely reliable Neomonde for a delightful veggie platter enroute to the aeropuerto.  Fireworks by myself though.  :-(

Miss you baby!

Birthday in Chigaaaaaaaaaago

Of course I don’t talk about my birthday!  No one my age would be so foolish.   But this one was too good, I can’t help myself!

Watching Guy King play the blues at Buddy Guy was smooth and delicious, Cara and I agreed his happiness was outright contagious.

On Saturday we flew kites in the famous Chicago lakefront wind, with hundreds of others on Cricket Hill.  Epic!

And on Sunday we ripped it up from downtown out to Northerly Island on the world’s most freewheeling Segway tour ever – our host was so cool and chill, the day was beautiful, and we covered miles jumping curbs and banking through fast turns.  Whoo!

Thanks baby for the best weekend ever.

Facebook useful today! More thoughts on capital punishment…


I’ve been watching more CNN than usual at Planet Fitness these days (No Judgement!). And maybe it’s because of this that I’ve recently found myself disagreeing vocally—sometimes shouting at the TV like Grandpa Simpson on a treadmill—with folks who are supposed to be my political allies. I support the overall causes they’re trying to promote; I just think many of the quick arguments the non-Rupert Murdoch-controlled media put out there to serve these causes are increasingly weak. (NB: The arguments put forth by Fox News I just find ridiculous. Reliably so. In a world of constant flux, one takes a certain comfort in this consistency.) Continue reading “Facebook useful today! More thoughts on capital punishment…”

9.0 Jabberwocky

How can there be a Terry Gilliam-directed movie starring Michael Palin that I have never even heard of??!  Good Lord!  Stephen tuned me in and we thoroughly enjoyed this massive indulgent romp through a middle age equally beleaguered by a huge monster and the beginnings of a free market economy.  Classic!


Bad beer night

Gary and I headed out for a minor adventure last night, into the mysteries of Raleigh Beer Week.  How big would it be?

We got started around 7pm and had a couple concrete events off raleighbeerweek.com – here we go!  First to Tyler’s tap room where there were 12 brewery reps on hand.  We were hoping for the cavernous place to be filled with sample beers, but all we found was a recommendation from a rep from Victory brewery in PA.  I almost always stick to local dark beers but because the rep was cute I ended up with an Ale that was so spicy we didn’t finish it – I NEVER don’t finish a beer!  :-)  Tasted clovey and cinnamon-ny.  Meh.

We gave up on the crowded place after watching two or three poor barkeeps pulling as fast as they could.  There were two highlights: watching the girl pull a brew into a hot glass and watching it crack and explode in her hand (she was ok and seemed somewhat entertained by it as well, ha); and another barkeep explaining the mechanical tap that pulled the precarbonated beer from the keg like they did in the 1500s.


Next it was off to Foundation for a new local brewer’s keg getting tapped before it was officially available.  Now, I love Foundation, Jane and Larry and I watched their barkeep work drinks for a mesmerizing hour and I developed a serious mancrush on the guy (that’s four, Green Gartside, David Beckham, Sam Rockwell, should I be worried about switching teams?)…

So… the board in front of a long line of bearded hipsters read “Belgian Dark Stout”… omg I’m pumped… we chatted with the brewer, a nice fellow with a generous smile and a massive beard, he explained that the brew process was extended to let bacteria consume the extra sugar that was “unused” by the yeast.  And we recognized that it was described as a “Belgian Dark SOUR”, not stout.  Sour.  Remember that.

My man was reduced to pouring a thousand glasses for the thirsty crowd,  wasted talent.  The place was packed.  So we headed to the entrance where there was a small space left.  By the time we got there, we started to realize that something was up.  By the time we focused and figured out what it was, Gary was puckering and shaking his head wildly.  Bless his honest soul.  The rest of the bar, myself included, continued to make polite smalltalk and work very hard to avoid puckering as to reveal the big fat sour elephant in the room.  The way-worse-than-lemon-juice-concentrate-level-of-sour elephant.  Eventually he convinced me to abandon my post and stop the posing, and we headed out feeling like someone had twisted the life out of us.

As a final effort, we headed to the roof of Raleigh Times to cleanse the palette of the evening’s misadventures with a single good old fashioned Canadian ginger ale.  It never tasted so good.  :-)

All in all, I have to say I have never had so much fun drinking such disappointing beer.

UPDATE: Raleigh Beer Week has been deadly.  Monday with Gary, Tuesday with Bill and Stephen, Wednesday drinking a big Tripel bottle with Jon, and off to Tir Na Nog on Thursday with Stephen and Bill, with Stephen and me staying to finish off the strange perversions of the TNN staff – they took two Lone Rider minikegs and polluted Sweet Josie with cocoa nibs and coconut, and destroyed some Peacekeeper with some horrific rum thing or another.  Ha.  MORE BAD BEER ohs nos…  and here comes the weekend…

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Oh and I actually started beer week early… as in 9am Saturday early… after the Raleigh 8000 run with Gary…


UPDATE UPDATE: I took Friday off!  Whew I needed that!  :-)

Why are we stuck with mediocre progress in the 21st century?

Thanks for Ubuntu Mark! :-)

My brother and I were debating progress. I am quite frustrated that technological innovation in this millennium seems so stalled. Sure we’ve had the PC laptop cellphone tablet and smart phone, wiring us all together, and they’re innovative and great. But they’re basically just consumptive devices we use to shovel sensationalized images and sounds into our orifices to stimulate our ever-dulled senses.

Great innovators of the past brought us philosophy, plumbing, democracy, unlimited food, equality, the weekend, space travel, a leisure society, and so many paradigm shifts that jumped us forward in massive leaps. We are long long overdue for the next.

Perhaps we are mired in the early stage of the information age. We drown in it every day. We spend many of them just caught up in the torrential flood of information with our jaws agape.

Perhaps cycles are required. Perhaps it is the age of the right-wing redneck, pushing progress backwards in hopes that he can consume and destroy a lion’s share of resources just because his great grandfather did. That age will certainly not last too long before it implodes on itself.

Perhaps there are too many of us, and we’ve come so far that any one of us would have to spend a lifetime just to become an expert on the existing knowledge in a specific area, with very little chance to extend it.

But I still believe each of us should try to contribute. Our individual passion is our greatest strength.

Here’s an awkward debate on the subject

Mark Shuttleworth says it right: “Individuals are innovators”!!! He’s got it! You have to be a crazy, obsessive, arrogant, megalomaniacal wacko and drive well past where any reasonable group of people would go.